I struggled to even write this article. I procrastinated and distracted myself because I simply don’t have a lot to give right now. I’m using most of my energy just trying to adjust to this post-election reality. But I know you’re probably feeling that way, too. So here you go. I hope, if it’s helpful, you’ll consider becoming a paid subscriber today.
It’s a week after the election and I’m still not okay.
Even when I’m not thinking about the presidential transition, it lingers in the back of my mind like a deadline that’s looming, and I am woefully behind.
And now we’ve had a week of Christian platitudes.
“God is on the throne!”
“Don’t put your faith in politics!”
“God is in control!”
All that is true, but those sentiments don’t offer any comfort right now.
They’re like the super chipper morning person who insists on talking loudly and smiling while you’re reluctantly starting a day you dread.
Then President-elect Trump released an infuriating video promising repercussions for colleges and universities that dare promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).
In the caption to the video I wrote:
This is what the far-right does.
They take terms that have a historical and contextual meaning and twist them into something new and negative.
"Racial discrimination" has historically referred to Black people and other people of color being excluded from institutions such as colleges and universities.
Now "racial discrimination" is being twisted to mean excluding "qualified" white people from opportunities and giving them to "undeserving minorities."
Furthermore, fines against endowments will be levied, and that money will be directed toward "restitution" (aka reparations) to the white people who have, supposedly, been discriminated against.Expect more of this. Much more.
And it will take the form of the further defunding of DEI programs, and now, retribution against any institution that dares take race into account in order to correct historic racial wrongs.
This is America.
I’m still not okay.
I knew I’d need through the weekend last week to grieve, to sit with this new reality, to catch my breath.
But I‘m still weary. I still don’t have much capacity for “productivity.” I still need comfort.
Now I’m starting to realize we need more than a few days or even a few weeks to recover from the election and prepare for a new president.
We need to make structural changes to the way we move in life to have the stamina, fortitude, and vitality to navigate whatever is coming next.
We are going to have to intentionally create margin in our lives for the emotional ride we’ll be on. We’re going to have to cultivate the bonds of community to lend us strength. We’re going to have to build healthy habits that sustain us physically, mentally, and spiritually.
We have two months before the inauguration, and the foolery has already begun.
We must use this brief window of time to craft the practices and adopt the mindsets that will see us through.
Lament in the immediate aftermath of the election is only the beginning. This is a season of gathering in case of a future drought of justice.
I plan to talk about these themes in more depth this Thursday (11/14) at 8 pm ET.
This event is live and online via Zoom.
It is completely free.
You only need to be a subscriber (free or paid) to this Footnotes Substack. No need to register. I’ll just email you the link on Thursday afternoon.
This will be recorded and paid subscribers will have access to the recording.
Be sure to subscribe today, and I’ll see you soon. Onward.
What questions, themes, or topics are you interested in me addressing during our live event this week. Drop a comment below and I may respond online!
Others have endured what seemed like endless injustice in the hopes that change would come. Learn all about them in The Spirit of Justice and get I Am the Spirit of Justice and Stories of the Spirit of Justice for children and youth.

You are not alone! Many of us are still not okay and wonder if there is a glimmer of hope that we will be okay one day. I'm thankful for the biblical promises we have but it is hard to garner enough strength to even stand on them these days.
I have been wondering if our nation begged for a dictator (king) like the people did when they wanted a king like Saul? And now today, those who wanted "this guy" have been given what they wanted, blindly unaware of the consequences that come with this demand.
I am thankful for you, Jemar and The Convocation Unscripted community. May the Lord continue to draw us together as His people in these difficult days ahead.
Thank you for so clearly explaining how the terms DEI and racial discrimination have been weaponized, the same way "woke" was twisted and misused. And thank you for so candidly explaining why you are not okay. I look forward to tomorrow's zoom session and have become a subscriber.