A new documentary film, “Awakening to Justice” tells the story of how a long-lost journal from an abolitionist in the 1800s led a group of scholars and experts in the 21st century on an intercontinental journey to find the roots of Christian and interracial resistance to slavery.
This is your opportunity to learn how Christianity was not simply a religion of compromise and complicity but how it became a force for liberation and justice.
This adventure begins with the journal of David Ingraham, a white abolitionist who journaled about his work among Black people in Jamaica. He is joined by two Black colleagues from the United States—Nancy Prince and James Bradley.
By delving into the context surrounding Ingraham’s journal—a group of Christian scholars called the Dialogue on Race and Faith—brings forward this lost history and decipher what it means to work for racial equity in the present.
This documentary will deepen your understanding of the antislavery impulse of the gospel and motivate you in your work for justice today.
Please join me for an online screening of this 20-minute documentary film. It will be followed by a panel from the DRF project:
Doug Strong, a history professor at Seattle Pacific University
Joy Moore, professor of religion at Huntingdon College
Matthew Sigler, professor of Wesleyan Studies at Seattle Pacific University
and myself.
We’ll watch the video and hold an live online discussion afterwards.
Watch the trailer below…
Follow the instructions below to reserve your place!
We’re using a service called Kinema to stream it. Click here to REGISTER.
The screening will happen in real time on Thursday (7/18) at 8 pm ET. It’s just like going to the movies, but you don’t have to leave your home!
You’ll be watching with others from all over the country, and we’ll have a live chat going throughout (it’s like you can talk during the movie but no one will tell you “Shhh!”).
Tickets are $5 to watch the movie and join in the live online chat. You’ll need to register with Kinema and add payment info. It takes less than a minute.
All you need is a device on which to watch the film. Once it begins, it will play in real time just like going to the movies.
P.S. Order your copy of the book attached to this project.
“Awakening to Justice: Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past.”
Looking forward to the event
I’d love to watch this with my small group, but can’t this Thursday. How can we access the documentary after Thursday?