I don't have answers to your questions, but wanted to say that what you said about the third commandment resonated with me, as well as what you said about bearing testimony to those in the opposite camp. I took what you said in your post about "Going to the MATtress" to heart, and have been trying to figure out how to talk with the people in my church. Ultimately have decided to host a series of small dinner parties this fall, and warn folks that I'm going to share about a 1/2 hour of my songs and thoughts at the end--very much a testimony approach to the whole thing. I initially was trying to come up with some sort of songs about justice, but the approach I wound up with was much more songs about who I am and who I have come to understand God to be. So this felt like a confirmation of what I am planning. I wanted to let you know that I was listening earlier, and took to heart the idea that the time has come to speak out regardless of potential rifts and regardless of whether what I have to say results in changing minds or not. I kind of hope it changes some minds, especially where God may have softened some hearts, but regardless, the time has come to speak.

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When you said "Third Commandment" I thought were talking about the one from Jesus "Love your enemy". (My take is that the 1st is "Love God", the 2nd is "Love your Neighbor".) Any way, in the White christian Nationalism movement I see only hatred for neighbor and those they designate as enemy. I hope they get on God's Train of Love. Let us pray for those that say we are an enemy. The power of Love is great. Forty years after the walk and talk of God's Prophet, The Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the hearts and minds of 41 million white voters hearts had been changed and Barak Obama was elected President.

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