Jun 12Liked by Jemar Tisby, PhD

I keep having a recurrent thought about the saying “Justice delayed is justice denied.” I think about all the years that justice was denied. Then I think about the court delays since January 6, and the delays in the Georgia case and the documents cases. Those delays may help a twice impeached felon obtain office again…. I pray for not a quick knee jerk justice, but certainly not delayed either. We need a rebalanced justice. A common sense approach. I’m glad Medgar’s murderer was found guilty at last, but mourn those years of his getting away with impunity.

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Agreed. We need the wheels of justice to pick up the pace!

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Powerful story of courage and faith

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Thank you, Jonathan! I'm excited for people to read dozens more in "The Spirit of Justice"

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Jun 12Liked by Jemar Tisby, PhD

Thanks for passing this and much more on to more generations. What else is there to do but keep on ...

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I appreciate you reading and commenting! It's a passion of mine to make sure that people today know the sacrifices and contributions of generations before.

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Jun 12Liked by Jemar Tisby, PhD

It is good for this generation to know of the emotionally devastating impact that weighed on the icons of the movement; the cost was incalculable, and the victories won should not be taken for granted. It was encouraging to see her vulnerability, her moments of hopelessness, and her resilience to go on because she realized it was about her and the generations that were inspired by her strength and tenacity.

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I can't imagine the courage it took for Myrlie Evers-Williams to be so publicly vulnerable after the devastating assassination of her husband. We all benefit from her dedication to humanity and justice.

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I read Bobby DeLaughter’s book about his prosecution of De La Beckwith many years ago. I then read Ms. Evers book. That she and her children managed not only survive, but to thrive is…I don’t have any words that don’t sound trite. One of the things that always stuck with me was that their youngest son, Van, was so little when his father was murdered that he never had the chance to make solid memories that he could hold onto as he grew up.

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Yes. We often overlook the traumatic impact these murders have on the entire family...for generations.

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Dr. Jemar once again your writing is a balm to my soul. Your ability to remind us of the reality of the price paid before this moment.

Challenging us to realize there is still more work to be done until every vestige of white supremacy is eradicated that the Imago Dei of ALL humanity is the true standard of Love!

Each historical remembrance then becomes the spark for a catalytic LOVE that then compels one to continue to “DO JUSTICE”…..Love in action with LEGS AND A VOICE……undergirded by prayer…….not relenting until truly there is “LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

Your brilliance in using historical moments to encourage others to continue in this fight today is astounding ……..because the blood that has been shed cannot be silenced……Thank you!🙏🏾🙏🏾💪🏽💪🏽

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