Never heard of Basham or read anything she's ever written. But as a white pastor who tries to elevate racial justice concerns from the pulpit with my mostly white, suburban congregation, I have appreciated your insights and historical references for many years. Prophetic preaching about the call for justice is central to the biblical tradition. Doing anything less is nothing short of malpractice on the part of the church in our society.

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Wise words. Grateful you are pastoring. I sense more people need the kind of preaching and teaching you're doing.

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Never heard of Megan Bashan until you mentioned her, so I did about five minutes of Googling. So.... a radical right-wing flinger of unsubstantiated accusations, whose greatest accomplishment is landing a job at the Daily Wire, thinks you're a radical? Someone whose only book recommendation on Amazon comes from John MacArthur? Someone who is STILL raising the spectre of "conspiracist" George Soros after all these years?

I have a feeling - I hope - we've finally reached a point in American society where this right-wing unsubstantiated trolling rudeness has finally gone out of fashion.

Besides, I can't imagine you "thundering" at anyone. :-)

Best wishes on the book launch, I'm looking forward to reading it!

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Wise words, Peg! I love the phrase "radical right-wing flinger"--I might need to use it!

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LOL!! You are welcome to it!

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I’m not sure her comments are worth dignifying with a response, but thank you for introducing a couple of Black Christian activists I hadn’t been familiar with. Keep doing the good work.

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It's always a toss up for me about whether to respond. But the more formal the mention, the more I consider a written response. It's less geared at persuading opponents than informing allies.

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Written by a politically conservative author who's not a historian but rather a reporter for The Daily Wire, which has been identified as an unreliable source of accurate information in many scientific studies, this book is probably not even worth addressing. The problem, though, is that Amazon lists it as #1 right now, so there are people gobbling it up. I know this is exhausting for you as folks like Basham keep popping up to criticize you, not out of ignorance but actually out of partisan motivations. They know what they are doing. This is about power, not truth. I'm sorry you felt the need to defend yourself. But I love your response rooted in Christian activism! As Frederick Douglass also said in his famous speech, "What to the Slave is the 4th of July?" the gaslighting and hypocrisy of the those who claim to represent "the church" make "religion a cold and flinty-hearted thing, having neither principles of right action, nor bowels of compassion." Douglass then adds the following incisive analysis: "They strip the love of God of its beauty, and leave the throng of religion a huge, horrible, repulsive form. It is a religion for oppressors, tyrants, man-stealers, and thugs. It is not that 'pure and undefiled religion' which is from above, and which is 'first pure, then peaceable, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.' But a religion which favors the rich against the poor; which exalts the proud above the humble; which divides mankind into two classes, tyrants and slaves; which says to the man in chains, stay there; and to the oppressor, oppress on; it is a religion which may be professed and enjoyed by all the robbers and enslavers of mankind; it makes God a respecter of persons, denies his fatherhood of the race, and tramples in the dust the great truth of the brotherhood of man." Thank you for standing with heroes like Douglass! I am praying for you and your team that you will sense God's strength and peace and be continued to be led by His wisdom!

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Thank you for your insights and kind words, Julie! Your insights are on point!

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I thought of exactly this speech while I was reading this article, too

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Megan Basham needs to learn a lot of things, not the least of which is that unsubstantiated claims and ad hominem attacks do not amount to serious writing or a serious person. I can’t imagine the pain you feel at such hurtful, uninformed, vitriol.

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Exactly! One of the biggest issues is the hermetically sealed epistemological ecosystems folks live in.

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It hasn’t ’t been all that long ago that I looked forward to listening to Megan Basham’s movie reviews on the World Magazine podcast The World and Everything In It. She was a part of a core of young, bright journalists under the tutelage of senior editor Marvin Olasky who presented a Christian viewpoint, that while definitely conservative was open minded enough to tell both sides of the story and let the reader make up their mind about the conclusions to be drawn from it.

I was quite saddened when Olasky quit World shortly before he was scheduled to retire and was openly critical of the change in editorial stance its board was forcing on the writers. The world didn’t need one more right wing opinion journal I remember him saying. Looking at what Basham posts on X/ Twitter now confirms she apparently finds carrying the MAGA message more important than reporting the facts.

The Holy Post podcast had some very insightful comments on her book yesterday. It predicts more MAGA political tactics being turned on the church as Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro take aim at what’s left of nonMAGA evangelicalism. Sorry you’re among the targets.

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Really glad some folks are addressing Basham's books in more detail. I only had the bandwidth, or desire, to dig deeper. But her words are indicative of a much larger issue--the failure of so many white Christians to engage the Black Christian tradition.

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so interesting to read this

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Appreciate you reading!

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No credibility for Ms Bashan. Keep on with your direction to bring truth and understanding! Best wishes and prayers for your success, safety, and bringing to us what is long overdue! Peace be with you!

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Can't stop, won't stop! Thank you for reading.

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Thank God you have been raised up

And called to prophetic preaching, study and teaching! Jesus Christ is clearly at the center of your life and the Holy Spirit energizes your mind, heart and soul.

Racism is the fundamental structure of American Christianity and until us white folk make our confession and reparations visible, it will remain.

I’ve added you to my daily prayers:(

Stay strong and loving!

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I so deeply appreciate your prayers (and your reading)! Thank you!!!

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"What do you think of Megan Basham’s new book or her characterization of me?"---I think she is the personification of what James Baldwin mentioned so many years ago: “Terror cannot be remembered… Yet, what the memory repudiates controls the human being. What one does not remember dictates who one loves or fails to love.” She is terrified of what she is learning about herself. As a White Supremacist, she is wrong. And even more that that, as as a Black activist., you are right. Thank you for including that message this morning, Jemar!

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Oof! That Baldwin quotes hits hard! Thanks for sharing, Steve!

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I had never heard of her until hearing her interviewed on a podcast I listen to regularly, but I was appalled at what she said about *numerous* authors and podcasters I love learning from, and follow and/or support; some for many years. A few things she said I was stunned because I knew it was just blatantly false!

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I'm sorry. Learning these things feels almost like a betrayal.

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We should oppose trumpery wherever it appears. (trumpery is a real word I learned from C.S. Lewis).

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I like it! "trumpery"

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Aww, now I've got to go Google her, as I've never heard of her. Been too busy learning from you and so many others...

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I appreciate you reading and supporting this work!

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Love your writing, love your research, love your argument. Tight.

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Appreciate you, Becca!

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Thank you for sharing those resources and doing what you do!

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