Jun 28Liked by Jemar Tisby, PhD

Speaking as an experienced cat rescuer, alley cats have far higher morals. Off to watch the video....

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True! Why insult alley cats?!

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Good video, great points all around! I couldn't finish watching the debate last night, had to put on something more uplifting. I second the opinions re the demonization of immigrants. I love newcomers to our country, love having many in our neighborhood. They are strong, hard-working, amazing people who love our country more than a lot of people who were born here.

Standout quote from the debate: "It should not be this hard." AMEN!

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The honest old codger vs. the liar and criminal. I'll take the old codger.

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America has a love affair with political debates. Joy Reid nailed it last night when she mentioned that America has this fantasy about debates almost at a mythical super hero level. But this quote was included in Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American last night; “The proof of Biden’s ability to run the country is the fact that he is running it. Successfully. Not a debate performance against a pathological lying sociopath.” Monique Pressley Bravo Monique!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 29

The Convocation Unscripted really helped me begin to process:




We need leaders to articulate & advocate for democratic principles. I pray for good leaders—in our schools, faith/communities, courts, & presidency—who advocate for civil rights & human rights with mutual flourishing & thriving futures across people groups of diverse heritages. I pray we the people step up with actions for the common good with democracy; the separation of church & state; freedom of religion; & peace with justice.

Former Pres Trump spewed falsehoods including offering the national guard ahead of J6, spoke of "Black"/"Hispanic" jobs, https://apnews.com/article/trumpblackjobsdebatebiden-7c520492a34fa902028ed4537d48cdb0

& likened Biden to “a very bad Palestinian. A weak one.”

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/putin-looms-large-biden-trump-clash-foreign-policy-first-debate-2024-06-28/ (From my faith perspective, Trump’s dehumanization of people is like attacking Jesus of Nazareth, the brown Palestinian Jew, himself in a refugee family fleeing violence. What we do to people is like unto Jesus.)

I’m grateful for Pres Biden’s service & leadership, & I hope Pres Biden takes the courageous, selfless action to protect democracy by retiring in 2025 for a younger leader to advocate for democracy. May we honor Biden. Still, I disagree with Pres Biden’s continued supply of U.S. weapons, funds & support for Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on & killings of innocent people in Gaza with death by starvation in a human-made famine.

I'm concerned after multiple U.S. Supreme Court's rulings--including raising the bar for prosecuting insurrectionists (J6ers) & against people who are unhoused. From Dr. Tisby, I learned about Love Beyond Walls, founded by Dr. Terence Lester & led with Cecilia Lester, https://www.lovebeyondwalls.org/.

May we come alongside vulnerable people in our communities, courts, nation, foreign policy, & voting.

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Once again, it comes down to the American people. Who is better to lead this good but very dangerous country, who is better for humanity? The sociopath or the old man? We still have a say. And we still have a responsibility.

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