Thank you for initiating this to enlarge and advance the discussion and the abolition of the death penalty..

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Absolutely! What's been your experience learning about the death penalty?

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We need to fight for death penalty to be administered justly. When there is indisputable evidence for crime, we need to execute. But there can be no equity in a world of greed and lust for power.

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Thanks for weighing in. I see it differently, but I hope you'll register for the even to find out more.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

I hope to connect with you at one of your events. I really enjoyed your sermon at the school "for such a time as this" I was heart broken by the response of the school. The CRT motif is just a straw horse to keep believers separated. Slavery, Jim Crow, murder of the innocent is sin..in the past and today.

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