This is so disheartening. I just watched the YouTube interview that you did with her (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C-xaaFm2kk) and am blown away by the depth and breadth of her comp. class. I would have loved to have had such a rich, well-developed writing course when I was in college. What a loss to the university and what damage continues to be done in the name of Christianity.

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This makes me so angry.

I too, was censored after reading some of Dr. Tisby’s work and attempting to share what we can do as the people of God to increase our awareness of racial injustice and work against injustice as we are compelled to do by the gospel.

In my case, I was on the strategic board at a large church and became too much of a political liability and would need to sign a new policy assuring that I would not say anything publicly in person or online that would “distract from the mission and vision of the church”

I ended up leaving that post because staying would have been a violation of my conscience. Subsequently, my friend and associate pastor at the church was also fired for similar reasons, although that was not the public narrative that was put forward.

I continue to be angry about all of this and every time I read the prophets, I wonder how the church has become so blind and beholden to state power and anti-gospel ideologies like white supremacy and conservative politics.

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Clearly, this has become a pattern where an increasing number of these Christian schools are limiting their scope as institutions of higher learning. The idea of a university is learning on diverse levels. These are institutions more committed to preserving white culture and promoting white political conservatism. They want nothing to do with objective black history.

Since schools like Taylor are not preparing students to serve in the real world, I can only envision that these schools are preparing students to serve at other Christian schools, businesses owned by conservatives, and conservative churches.

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When I kept silent, my bones wasted away...(Psalm 32:3) The more the church keeps silent about the sin of racism the sicker the body will get.

Repentence and a turning away from hatred must precede any hope for the reviving of what is becoming a valley of dry and wasting away bones

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That's a very helpful verse to help us think about the courage and necessity for speaking up. Thanks for sharing!

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I’m so sorry this is happening. Thank you for your labor in bringing these stories to us. Your work is so important.

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I can only say that racism is America's first sin and first love, and we keep returning to it as if it is the water of life.

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My heart is heavy after reading Professor Moore's story. I'm sickened at how often The Color of Compromise is criticized, especially because I think most of the criticizers have never read it. Thank you, Dr. Tisby, for the work you are doing.

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I am glad that Julie Moore has the courage to share this and I hope that this information will be widely shared, and I hope that some Taylor alumni are going to speak up and complain.

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What in the world is happening? I'm shocked and dismayed. Thank you Jemar for your work on bringing these situations to our attention. The inability to follow protocol and to set new rules by Leadership is disconcerting. These two events puts your article about Christian Nationalist/Facism into focus.

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Thank you for continuing to shed light on these happenings. It is so important for faculty of color to be involved in faculty governance at these institutions. I am awaiting the CCCU's response.

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Reading this gives me chills.

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I’m so glad that this incident has been thoroughly captured, but this does little for Prof. Miller in the meantime. To fire this woman, to leave her unemployed and unable to support herself and her family is disgusting and unconscionable. It’s everything that is wrong with the white evangelical church in America today (Psalm 50 comes to mind). While there’s no hope for Maxwell and the donors he’s grandstanding for, I do hope the CCCU has enough Spirit-filled fortitude to take meaningful action.

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The term American Sociologist now lands on my Murica watch list....Richard Spence once said that the KKK needs to be in the boardroom. In 2014, Lindsay co-authored- View From the Top: An Inside Look at How People in Power See and Shape the World.

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I remember even in high school slavery was not a part of the US History curriculum. Only in February but it was handled with a light touch and no discourse was encouraged. Has anyone looked into whether the provost and the other newly hired members of staff at Taylor are KKK members or are affiliated with any other organization of its kind. These organizations cannot survive when the public at large is aware of their interference in our culture and national narrative. They survive because secrecy is maintained and censorship is promoted. The other thing to look into is whether the university receives any grants or other funding from organizations that would not want this history known. You will not have to look far into the the people perpetrating your termination to find what you are looking for. Education freedom is a pivotal part of the US culture. We as citizens have the right to learn whatever we want. If something is being taught that we do not like, do not agree with we vote with our feet on to the next thing that gives us what we need and want.

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I was saddened when I read about the history of the KKK in Indiana in Tim Eagan’s Fever in the Heartland. The Color of Compromise also opened my eyes. We cannot begin to address our problems if we refuse to face them and our history which we carry with us.

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