After the George Floyd murder, we watched The Color of Comprimise on amazon together as a family. Our boys were 13 and 14 at the time. Since then, race issues have been a part of our daily conversation. I'm going to buy the adult version of How to Fight Racism today!

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We’re in a place where we want to help our kids move from just BEING in a minority-white school to being ANTI-RACIST in a minority white school (sry for the shouty caps, I wish there was a way to use italics here 😅). We transferred them out of a charter and into our neighborhood school in ‘20 as one of our first, family anti-racist acts. They’ve been exposed to a lot of Hmong culture and they’ve definitely built bridges they wouldn’t have otherwise. I just want to help them keep moving in that direction. I’m a stay at home white mom, and I’m not nearly as out in the community as my kids are.

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Talking about race is delicate and complicated. As a white teacher, I had no idea what I was doing/not doing, what was helpful/detrimental. Now I have a black son and mixed grands. I have found it helpful to stop talking and listen. I have learned so much this way. I will continue to try and listen.

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