I think it is a revolting piece of propaganda by a man who is the antithesis of everything the bible says about Jesus. The combination of the bible plus political items is a direct nod to White Christian Nationalists to reinforce their talking points that the US is a "christian nation". This ad would be right at home in Putin's Russia or Orban's Hungary.
His partnership with White Christian Nationalism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry, all manner of homophobia, racism, sexism, and just general hatred of anyone who doesn't adore him, makes him the absolute last person on the face of this earth I'd buy anything from.
In the past, as a church choir director, I always said "no" to singing songs like "God Bless the USA" because (as I told my choir) "It's like wrapping the Bible up in the flag, so if a person kneels down to one they have to kneel down to both -- and it's idolatry to kneel down to the flag."
Dr. Tisby, today, as a pastor, this form of idolatry makes me even angrier -- especially coming from someone who thinks he's fit to run the country, who speaks of other races and nationalities with a hatred beyond any semblance of reason, and who *knows* he doesn't believe a single word in the book he's selling to pay off his debts.
Any thoughts on how to address this with a congregation? And any thoughts on how to approach social media posting in a way that doesn't help to publicize his crass fundraising?
He literally stands for everything Anti-Christ! He’s only about ego, power and money but now he wants his name to Trump the name and message of Jesus! He hijacked the Republican party, and now he wants to hijack Christianity.
I'm embarrassed that it took me so long to see this conflation of flag and faith. I was raised in a military family, and this was subtly reinforced during my upbringing with the American and Christian flags positioned on the stage behind the pulpit at military chapels. It took decades, but it's become more obvious to me over the years that this is idolatry.
My hope was that younger generations would reject this worldview and understand that Christ transcends earthly kingdoms and agendas. Sadly, there are academic institutions within the conservative sphere of influence that are working overtime to perpetuate it, i.e., Hillsdale and Liberty. It pains me to see bright young minds subjected to the same indoctrination and groupthink they accuse secular institutions of practicing, except it's on the other end of the political spectrum. Perhaps more critically, this filthy, worldly political agenda is being woven into the beautiful tapestry of the Gospel and driving away from Jesus Christ people who desperately need His redemption and salvation.
He is a con man and Satan is using him as a false prophet to deceive and mislead the church. Jesus warned us that we would know false prophets by their fruits. His fruits are multiple crimes and frauds.
I wrote on Medium almost two years ago, as a joke, that Thomas Nelson was missing a huge money-making opportunity by not releasing the Trump Bible. Now, it's not far away. Rupert Murdock's News Corp owns Thomas Nelson and could probably make back that huge settlement they had to pay out to Dominion for lying to the public. On the bright side, a Trump Bible would definitely expose those Christians that claim Christ as their "savior" but have abandoned his teachings in favor of an orange narcissistic "savior", who uses them for his own gain. Trump 3:16 - "Do unto others before they do unto you".
This is really Handmaid's Tale happening right in front of our eyes. Why aren't they stopping him? This is past the point of getting out of hand. All of my internal alarms are going off, what can we do Jemar? I'm nervous
I like the KJV and the NKJ, as well as Young's Literal Translation. I see nothing wrong with a patriotically decorated Bible as long as the text is unsullied. I've seen many Bibles sold by publishers, preachers, televangelists and others containing maps, pictures of the Holy Land, notes and commentaries, etc., as a means of raising money. If it appeals to Trump supporters, all the better
I think it is a revolting piece of propaganda by a man who is the antithesis of everything the bible says about Jesus. The combination of the bible plus political items is a direct nod to White Christian Nationalists to reinforce their talking points that the US is a "christian nation". This ad would be right at home in Putin's Russia or Orban's Hungary.
His partnership with White Christian Nationalism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry, all manner of homophobia, racism, sexism, and just general hatred of anyone who doesn't adore him, makes him the absolute last person on the face of this earth I'd buy anything from.
You're making all the appropriate connections, especially with Orbán and Hungary. You've done your homework!
In the past, as a church choir director, I always said "no" to singing songs like "God Bless the USA" because (as I told my choir) "It's like wrapping the Bible up in the flag, so if a person kneels down to one they have to kneel down to both -- and it's idolatry to kneel down to the flag."
Dr. Tisby, today, as a pastor, this form of idolatry makes me even angrier -- especially coming from someone who thinks he's fit to run the country, who speaks of other races and nationalities with a hatred beyond any semblance of reason, and who *knows* he doesn't believe a single word in the book he's selling to pay off his debts.
Any thoughts on how to address this with a congregation? And any thoughts on how to approach social media posting in a way that doesn't help to publicize his crass fundraising?
I'd check out the resources at Christians Against Christian Nationalism! https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/
I’d be more impressed if there were less emphasis on buying and more on reading, meditating, and obeying
Exactly. Tolle lege!
He literally stands for everything Anti-Christ! He’s only about ego, power and money but now he wants his name to Trump the name and message of Jesus! He hijacked the Republican party, and now he wants to hijack Christianity.
Hijacked in some ways. And in some ways there was a party and a people who were already primed and willing to embrace him.
You are totally correct. A lot of willing participants
I'm embarrassed that it took me so long to see this conflation of flag and faith. I was raised in a military family, and this was subtly reinforced during my upbringing with the American and Christian flags positioned on the stage behind the pulpit at military chapels. It took decades, but it's become more obvious to me over the years that this is idolatry.
My hope was that younger generations would reject this worldview and understand that Christ transcends earthly kingdoms and agendas. Sadly, there are academic institutions within the conservative sphere of influence that are working overtime to perpetuate it, i.e., Hillsdale and Liberty. It pains me to see bright young minds subjected to the same indoctrination and groupthink they accuse secular institutions of practicing, except it's on the other end of the political spectrum. Perhaps more critically, this filthy, worldly political agenda is being woven into the beautiful tapestry of the Gospel and driving away from Jesus Christ people who desperately need His redemption and salvation.
At least his handlers made sure he's holding it upright this time.
He is a con man and Satan is using him as a false prophet to deceive and mislead the church. Jesus warned us that we would know false prophets by their fruits. His fruits are multiple crimes and frauds.
grotesque! Surprised it is not Gold Lame' !
Missed opportunity for a "golden calf" moment. Womp. Womp.
God save us. Everyone.
I wrote on Medium almost two years ago, as a joke, that Thomas Nelson was missing a huge money-making opportunity by not releasing the Trump Bible. Now, it's not far away. Rupert Murdock's News Corp owns Thomas Nelson and could probably make back that huge settlement they had to pay out to Dominion for lying to the public. On the bright side, a Trump Bible would definitely expose those Christians that claim Christ as their "savior" but have abandoned his teachings in favor of an orange narcissistic "savior", who uses them for his own gain. Trump 3:16 - "Do unto others before they do unto you".
This is really Handmaid's Tale happening right in front of our eyes. Why aren't they stopping him? This is past the point of getting out of hand. All of my internal alarms are going off, what can we do Jemar? I'm nervous
I like the KJV and the NKJ, as well as Young's Literal Translation. I see nothing wrong with a patriotically decorated Bible as long as the text is unsullied. I've seen many Bibles sold by publishers, preachers, televangelists and others containing maps, pictures of the Holy Land, notes and commentaries, etc., as a means of raising money. If it appeals to Trump supporters, all the better
Oh, dear God!!! Makes me sick!
Thanks for sharing! I'd love to do a watch part with my Substack folks!