Thank you as always for your thoughtful reflections! Wanted to share that a monument enshrines the memory of these soldiers and it stands immediately across the street from the front steps of the state house in Boston: https://www.nps.gov/boaf/learn/historyculture/shaw.htm.

On a somewhat related historical note, I also saw news that just yesterday the navy exonerated black sailors from 1944 who were very clearly treated differently than their white counterparts and commanding officers after an explosion created unsafe working conditions. https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/Press-Releases/display-pressreleases/Article/3841792/the-secretary-of-the-navy-exonerates-256-defendants-from-1944-port-chicago-gene/ I supposed better 80 years late than never at all? Without seeing news of this exoneration I’m sure I never would have been aware this injustice had ever occurred.

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The ability of Black people, particularly men, to love a country that does not love them back is awe inspiring.

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Always, always learning from you. Thank you for broadening our capacity to engage and thoughtfully challenge in our own conversations.

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The Theory of Evolution ( 1859 ) was published just four(4) years prior to the emancipation proclamation ( 1863 ) ..

Darwin’s discoveries of micro evolution on the Galapagos Islands were extrapolated to justify the agendas of the day ..

The agenda of dehumanization was at play as Fredrick Douglas wrote .. and we all still suffer .. although to varying extremes , today ..

The fruits of Evolution was the justification of Hitler’s Aryan race theory and the genocide when its hellish fruit fully ripened .. we partook ..

Unless we continue to continue turning like John the Baptist admonished .. the longer we all will languish in this dragon’s unquenchable appetite for destruction ..

Come Lord Jesus ! Be glorified in us all that are in Christ .. help us to turn away like the Baptizer proclaimed .. and fill us with the power to overcome ..

.. even with more of the will , the strength , and the path to love one another in agape Holy Spirit love .. ( Phil 2:13 ) to me ask more and more for my brothers forgiveness .. weeping over the injustice of these systems that I ( and my culture ) put in place ..

.. and may we find that the Father’s plan to free us from this Egypt that still enslaves God’s people .. all of us in Christ ( I Cor 12:26 ) suffer when even one suffers .. because that’s what agape love in us .. in the Holy Spirit overflowing does ..

.. this world will pass away .. these systems will faid to .. just like the ones before this .. but Our Father in Heaven will not only be all the more relevant here .. He will be gloried here , in us .. us now .. us here .. us through this fire that will refine us ..

.. it’s been 2,000 years since Christ was hated by his brothers and unjustly crucified .. and yet they still have not acknowledged whom they pierced ( John 19:37 ) .. God forbid it doesn’t take another 2,000 ..

.. and so , let me be put down on record here and now .. I to horrifically treated my brother .. my systems even today suffer from the fruit of my actions .. I , by the power of the Holy Spirit , for I cannot by my human frailties face the horror of my sin against you .. and so , I face and acknowledge you .. whom I pierced .. pierced when I should have taken my fear to the cross .. so that perfect love could cast all fear in me .. casted it out .. but I didn’t have the moral strength ..

.. by faith , I do now .. and if the path you’ve cleared here my brother provides it for me ? Then , I acknowledge I have horrifically sinned against you against God .. and I ask forgiveness .. May God make more paths like in this stack thread .. & follow the map you outline in the Color of Compromise ( at the end of the book ) .. to bring equity .. no , bring right-relationships ( righteousness ) & justice to overflowing ..

.. perhaps then .. all the witnesses we send overseas will have actions to affirm that we know Christ here in America ( John 13:35 ) …

.. Lord Jesus .. refine us with right-relationships , starting here across race in Christ .. and we can show the way beyond .. even across the myriad of creeds ..

.. and yes , last but not least .. refine us until justice overflows like a waterfall ( Amos 5:24 ) .. and God then be glorified even here .. all the more so .. his people ( Rev 22:21 , the end of scripture ) ..

My post response does not do justice to this .. whatever you or I or others may interpret it as , but ..

.. but Dr. Tisby , thank you for your faithfulness .. and for inspiring us to rise to new heights .. may God bless your vision , your dreams , your hopes .. and when all else fades away .. in your love .. in our love .. in Christ ..

Love U. Us.


— in Christ

, -w.

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The video you shared , Awakening to Justice , was amazingly brief and yet pungent .. I pray for brevity like that ..

Anyway .. I hope this might also encourage and strengthen you , me , us .. all in Christ ..



We are two titans .. we work better against The Enemy .. and his horrific spiritual darkness .. better together ..

Like the two titans Godzilla and King Kong in their latest movie .. ( I viewed it Sunday on a flight back from NYC visiting our son ) .. our two sides need help which only comes when we leave Martha with the dishes for a minute .. and go sit with Mary .. together , under the feet of Jesus ..

— anyway , in the movie , Mothra , a butterfly 🦋 type titan .. who helped the two titans communicate with each other , and understand each other .. and then accomplish the movies plot line ..


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