The episode I most what to see/hear is "How I Escaped the Clutches of White Christian Nationalism with Chuck Armstrong"

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Like you, Carter Heyward is a force to be reckoned with. And she has a few more years of ministry behind her than you or I.

By the way, we’d love to see you return to Memphis in 2023. Calvary Church, Memphis Theological Seminary and all your allies await!

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Thank you Jamar for your dedication to bring reason to the table. I too find "Christian Nationalism" offensive. Below are my thoughts about it. I hope it will be a help.

Christian Nationalism – What It Is Not

Our Forefathers understood the precepts of Judeo/Christian principles of the Moral Law in scripture, to be an excellent precept to build an equitable government for Democracy to protect human rights. “But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for ‘the just shall live by faith.’ Yet the law is not of faith, but ‘the man who does them shall live by them.’” Galatians 3: 11-12 Moral Law is not a faith it is a responsibility for all of mankind.

I am a white 74-year-old-woman. I have been watching our country fall apart for decades. I am an Evangelical Christian. I went to church all my life. But the thing I did not do was study the Bible until I was 50-years old. I found what I assumed the Bible had to say was totally false. And I had too many curiosities about the “forbidden things.” The following verse for me is a snapshot of my life: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. ” 2 Timothy 4: 3-4 NKJ I will say I think the most vocal Evangelical of Christians are in the dilemma of this verse as well, as most of them teach false doctrine and conspiracy theories which unfortunately has plunged our precious Country into groups of raging opponents with self-serving ideologies. That is not Christianity.

Also keep in mind our government has allowed THIS Nation to prevent the study of the Holy Bible in public schools, saying it is hate-speech with threats to teachers and parents alike of being fired and/or taken to court even if they speak about it. However, public schools are allowed to teach children perverse sexuality regardless of parent’s objections. Christ is the only One that brings to us the beginning of understanding of what Holiness is, hence the title Holy Bible. There is absolutely NO holiness in government.

Sadly, over the years our Government has also ALLOWED votes to favor of all sorts of perversions further enticing our population into hedonism, perverting the sanctity of the family, destruction of unborn children, exacerbation of racism and all kinds of stand-off civil disputes leading to an assault on our Capital.

Regarding “Christian Nationalism.” Christianity is NOT government and Nationalism is NOT Christian faith. Nationalism is wanting to be protective of the security of our Nation. The Christian Church is the Body of Christ. Christians believe in Christ ALONE for our faith and entrance into heaven. If a person chooses not to believe in Christ, so be it. Think of Hitler commandeering the Christian church for his Arian vision and even worse, the “Christian churches” claiming to be “Christian” allowing Hitler’s heresy to enter their doors.

I think those of you in government and the people that desire a new party and call it “Christian Nationalism” are beginning to see our government has allowed so many lies to become truths you want change. I do too. But, do you honestly think tacking the name "Christian" to a political party will make everything all better? The name of Christianity used in this instance would be yet another HERESY of Christianity and maybe even become the plug that would empty us of life in Democracy.

Christianity is NOT politics nor in need of monetary assistance from the Government; nor the Government to be a dictator to Christian belief. I am an avid supporter of the Separation of Church and State. A friend of mine recently told me this adage “God listens to people NOT political agendas; the government is NOT beholden to the Church.

I have a better suggestion. Instead of a new political party do this: Let the Christian Church be the Christian Church. Let Christians proclaim our faith without sanction. Let us be able to allow our children to read and learn and teachers to teach about the Bible in public schools to discuss the Biblical parameters of decency compared to debauchery or any other subject. Allow the Bible to be the Sacred Book it is and NOT be handled like a shoo-in for winning an election. You will be amazed at the change of mind and life the Word of God brings. It is a yearning for His Holiness which can only bring peace that passes understanding.

Sandra Kay Taylor, Huntsville, Alabama; 11-10-22

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All but esp. 4. Thanks for doing this!

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Yes! Let's get practical. Amanda Tyler knows what she's talking about. Check out this statement today. https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/statement

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Amanda has been on this for YEARS! Check out their statement against white Christian nationalism. https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/statement

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All of them, but especially number 4. It seems as if a lot of Christians want to downplay or ignore the horrific consequences of not stopping this threat.

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You won't be disappointed! You can read and sign their statement today. https://www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/statement

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Dr. Tisby, thank you for your work and for creating this podcast. Do you know about:


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Thank you for the heads up! Love the structure of the book.

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