Jemar, Your drive to change the trajectory of our culture inspires me. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and action.

I am a Literacy Tutor helping students become even better readers. My students range from Kindergarten-4th grade. The 2nd-4th graders are from 6 months to two grade levels behind in reading. The K students are not keeping up learning letter names, so letter sounds and phonics are not their forte either. I see improvement quickly with K & 1st graders, they are amazing sponges when they catch on to the methodology. Second-fourth graders move at a variety of places yet I strive not to give up or give in so they value that.

The sessions are 20 minutes, one-on-one. We can do online...I am familiar with it due to the many months of Covid preventing in-person sessions.

Want to talk about this with me for your son? Kim🌠

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This is so exciting! I would love to have something on video that is shorter (around 10 minutes) to use with younger kids with shorter attention spans.

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