Thanks for your perspective on the speech. I hadn’t realized how Trump is the distraction while others are doing the work to destroy our democracy. I liked your video as is. No need for fancy stuff. What we need is the truth and a trusted interpreter of what’s real (you are a trusted and an important interpreter)
Super helpful feedback. And yes, Trump is the proverbial “shiny object.” I’ll be shedding more light on the true villains of democracy in the coming weeks.
I chose peace. Thank you for, Dr. Tisby, for watching and interpreting the SOTU address. None of what you said surprises me. And I'm also not surprised that the loudest dissenter was a Black man old enough to recall the last vestiges of Jim Crow. Black people have seen this stuff before and will not return to that era of oppression quietly. Just as I said when I watched the brilliance of Kendrick Lamar's defiant Super Bowl performance, WE are the resistance.
That's a great point, Ms. Turner. Rep. Green did live through segregation and Civil Rights. He has a moral memory that many lack, and he put it to defiant use. We are the resistance.
Thanks for watching and subjecting yourself to this and then taking time to respond. Thank you also for the reminder to focus our attention on the other people pulling the strings. The show of Trump is so distributing and easy to distract from everything else.
I live in Tim Burchett’s district. Local citizens have been trying unsuccessfully to get him to communicate with them. I assume that I only see a subset of the people who are mobilizing. From what I gather from the posts and pictures, this group is made up of White intellectuals probably ages 30 to 80 who are committed to non violence. I assume that most identify as liberal Christians or are practicing Westernized versions of Eastern religions. We consistently remind one another of the necessity to maintain healthy habits and to prepare for a long haul. We are a tiny minority in a community where our friends are increasingly defending the administration awhile trying desperately to convince themselves that the promises they believed will be honored if they are just patient and wait.
A theory that I have been considering for years is that people are entrenched in maintaining their RELATIVE positions in society. Maybe the sociologists on your team will enlighten us.
I once read that as long as people are still better off than the people they have historically been above, they cope with decline.
So I have watched my neighborhood Walmart. When the local White people had carts more full than the new Spanish speakers, they were chill. Increasingly over 3 decades I heard reports that people who wanted to hire “ only Americans” , especially in construction, couldn’t do it because local folk showed up late, got tired early, and quit. Spanish speaking crews were waiting when the crew boss showed up and worked steadily in cold or heat.
Predictably, Walmart eventually was full of Spanish speakers with carts of food, clothes and toys for the happy children.
Suddenly, this winter, there are few internationals. And the White shoppers have returned with no one to make them feel inferior.
This has been of great interest to me for a long time, but I couldn’t find anyone to discuss it. And I have watched and listened in church groups even more than in Walmart.
My theory is that grassroots people are not happy with Black and Brown and White people being EQUAL. Their identity is tied up in being elite. And, some how, this administration makes them feel that way, Their allegiance has nothing to do with logic or facts and everything to do with emotion.They have been seduced.
Thanks for providing a forum where I can finally talk about this.
Judging from my evangelical family in the US, they like everything he is doing - and can't see why the rest of the world can't see how he is God's Chosen. Go figure...
Spot on. My nagging question is "what can I do to step up?" I've written and called Senators & Congressmen (gotten good responses from 2 out of 3) and I've joined a local protest (fun but did we actually make an impact?). Staying on top of social media and sharing info I know is true. Thinking about the upcoming DC march, which I wonder about doing... a senior citizen outdoors in March weather, in a city I don't know very well...?
I'm not an organizer, but I keep hearing the refrain, "Local, local, local." They say it's not about doing "all the things" but choosing an area or two and really digging in. Whether that's public education, policing, racial justice, or anything else. Even supporting local candidates for city council, school board, library board, and state legislators. We're all trying to figure this out at the same time.
Thank you for all you're doing so we can be informed and take part in our corners of this once beautiful nation that's being torn apart. If you know people who can help us get started at a grass-roots level, can you bring them on to share specifics with us?
I skipped it with the "State of the People" & worked on my rally sign. Dr. Jemar Tisby's commentary was the first I heard about the "use" of a child with more melanin suffering from cancer; so sad! I feel grateful for Al Green's courageous voice & action. Thank you; I echo the hope for solidarity in action without waiting for marginalized people to rise up & face the harshest impacts from the regime! (which I now call the MAGAR-Regime, "ie: Greedy/Ghastly And Russian.") I like listening/watching for the nonverbal communication. For me, I process words better. The beauty of the recording is the replay to process. And it's nice to hear the speaker's actual voice; when I play the substack audio for text--my brain expects to hear Dr. Tisby's voice.
And I clarify that my use of of the pro-Russia term is meant as the Putin-regime, which is separate from the Russian people. I'm feeling the need for a similar distinction regarding the U.S. now too. (Maybe it should be MAGAP for Pro-Putin?) Our words matter. And I keep learning.
Yes! You come across so well on video--sincere, articulate, knowledgeable and passionate but calm. You provided some new insights about who to watch besides Trump, and that is so important. It's too easy to get discouraged and to lose focus so thank you for keeping your followers on track
Thank you so much for your comments. I have gained so much strength and courage from your sub-stack, videos, and book, The Spirit of Justice. I am still reading it as well as John Lewis's "Across That Bridge". I appreciate your warning about allowing only minorities and the ones who have already risked so much to be the only ones to stand up and risk the most. I am definitely becoming more vocal with my friends who are conservative and with my volunteering and activism making phone calls, writing letters, sharing information and contributing to those who are leading on the front lines. I am a home bound senior, or I would be out protesting as well. Thanks for sharing the truth and your wisdom with the rest of us. It's time we all step up!
I appreciate the post's clever title & key insights helping us connect the dots. Also, I connect the antisemitism Dr. Timothy Snyder explains of the Friday showdown in the Oval Office just prior to & part of "The Apprentice: White House Edition." Drs. Tisby & Snyder put into words, what I've witnessed with white X-ian nationalism (wXN) & the corrupt-proPutin-Regime,
Thanks for your perspective on the speech. I hadn’t realized how Trump is the distraction while others are doing the work to destroy our democracy. I liked your video as is. No need for fancy stuff. What we need is the truth and a trusted interpreter of what’s real (you are a trusted and an important interpreter)
Super helpful feedback. And yes, Trump is the proverbial “shiny object.” I’ll be shedding more light on the true villains of democracy in the coming weeks.
I chose peace. Thank you for, Dr. Tisby, for watching and interpreting the SOTU address. None of what you said surprises me. And I'm also not surprised that the loudest dissenter was a Black man old enough to recall the last vestiges of Jim Crow. Black people have seen this stuff before and will not return to that era of oppression quietly. Just as I said when I watched the brilliance of Kendrick Lamar's defiant Super Bowl performance, WE are the resistance.
That's a great point, Ms. Turner. Rep. Green did live through segregation and Civil Rights. He has a moral memory that many lack, and he put it to defiant use. We are the resistance.
And April Ryan wrote about the 'good trouble' he would do again:
Thanks for watching and subjecting yourself to this and then taking time to respond. Thank you also for the reminder to focus our attention on the other people pulling the strings. The show of Trump is so distributing and easy to distract from everything else.
I live in Tim Burchett’s district. Local citizens have been trying unsuccessfully to get him to communicate with them. I assume that I only see a subset of the people who are mobilizing. From what I gather from the posts and pictures, this group is made up of White intellectuals probably ages 30 to 80 who are committed to non violence. I assume that most identify as liberal Christians or are practicing Westernized versions of Eastern religions. We consistently remind one another of the necessity to maintain healthy habits and to prepare for a long haul. We are a tiny minority in a community where our friends are increasingly defending the administration awhile trying desperately to convince themselves that the promises they believed will be honored if they are just patient and wait.
I am so curious (and confused) about why people at the grassroots level still support him. What do they believe he is doing right or well?
A theory that I have been considering for years is that people are entrenched in maintaining their RELATIVE positions in society. Maybe the sociologists on your team will enlighten us.
I once read that as long as people are still better off than the people they have historically been above, they cope with decline.
So I have watched my neighborhood Walmart. When the local White people had carts more full than the new Spanish speakers, they were chill. Increasingly over 3 decades I heard reports that people who wanted to hire “ only Americans” , especially in construction, couldn’t do it because local folk showed up late, got tired early, and quit. Spanish speaking crews were waiting when the crew boss showed up and worked steadily in cold or heat.
Predictably, Walmart eventually was full of Spanish speakers with carts of food, clothes and toys for the happy children.
Suddenly, this winter, there are few internationals. And the White shoppers have returned with no one to make them feel inferior.
This has been of great interest to me for a long time, but I couldn’t find anyone to discuss it. And I have watched and listened in church groups even more than in Walmart.
My theory is that grassroots people are not happy with Black and Brown and White people being EQUAL. Their identity is tied up in being elite. And, some how, this administration makes them feel that way, Their allegiance has nothing to do with logic or facts and everything to do with emotion.They have been seduced.
Thanks for providing a forum where I can finally talk about this.
Judging from my evangelical family in the US, they like everything he is doing - and can't see why the rest of the world can't see how he is God's Chosen. Go figure...
Spot on. My nagging question is "what can I do to step up?" I've written and called Senators & Congressmen (gotten good responses from 2 out of 3) and I've joined a local protest (fun but did we actually make an impact?). Staying on top of social media and sharing info I know is true. Thinking about the upcoming DC march, which I wonder about doing... a senior citizen outdoors in March weather, in a city I don't know very well...?
Is there anything else we can be doing?
I'm not an organizer, but I keep hearing the refrain, "Local, local, local." They say it's not about doing "all the things" but choosing an area or two and really digging in. Whether that's public education, policing, racial justice, or anything else. Even supporting local candidates for city council, school board, library board, and state legislators. We're all trying to figure this out at the same time.
Thank you for all you're doing so we can be informed and take part in our corners of this once beautiful nation that's being torn apart. If you know people who can help us get started at a grass-roots level, can you bring them on to share specifics with us?
Thanks, that helps! Local I can definitely do.
I skipped it with the "State of the People" & worked on my rally sign. Dr. Jemar Tisby's commentary was the first I heard about the "use" of a child with more melanin suffering from cancer; so sad! I feel grateful for Al Green's courageous voice & action. Thank you; I echo the hope for solidarity in action without waiting for marginalized people to rise up & face the harshest impacts from the regime! (which I now call the MAGAR-Regime, "ie: Greedy/Ghastly And Russian.") I like listening/watching for the nonverbal communication. For me, I process words better. The beauty of the recording is the replay to process. And it's nice to hear the speaker's actual voice; when I play the substack audio for text--my brain expects to hear Dr. Tisby's voice.
I like your rendering of MAGAR! Thanks for the helpful feedback on the video!
And I clarify that my use of of the pro-Russia term is meant as the Putin-regime, which is separate from the Russian people. I'm feeling the need for a similar distinction regarding the U.S. now too. (Maybe it should be MAGAP for Pro-Putin?) Our words matter. And I keep learning.
Thank you Jemar
I know the video wasn't fancy, but should I do more of them?
I liked the video and am taking a break from FB and Instagram for lent to boycott meta so these videos are nice especially in this season.
That’s very wise to take a break. Stay tuned for more from me!
Yes! You come across so well on video--sincere, articulate, knowledgeable and passionate but calm. You provided some new insights about who to watch besides Trump, and that is so important. It's too easy to get discouraged and to lose focus so thank you for keeping your followers on track
"Rep. Al Green On Disrupting The Joint Session Of Congress, Fighting For Medicaid + More" Interview of Rep. Al Green (D-TX): (
Thank you so much for your comments. I have gained so much strength and courage from your sub-stack, videos, and book, The Spirit of Justice. I am still reading it as well as John Lewis's "Across That Bridge". I appreciate your warning about allowing only minorities and the ones who have already risked so much to be the only ones to stand up and risk the most. I am definitely becoming more vocal with my friends who are conservative and with my volunteering and activism making phone calls, writing letters, sharing information and contributing to those who are leading on the front lines. I am a home bound senior, or I would be out protesting as well. Thanks for sharing the truth and your wisdom with the rest of us. It's time we all step up!
I appreciate the post's clever title & key insights helping us connect the dots. Also, I connect the antisemitism Dr. Timothy Snyder explains of the Friday showdown in the Oval Office just prior to & part of "The Apprentice: White House Edition." Drs. Tisby & Snyder put into words, what I've witnessed with white X-ian nationalism (wXN) & the corrupt-proPutin-Regime,
The little boy did seem to be used. Old classmates of mine scolded me for calling this out. (All of us white boomers) This was painful!