Jul 4Liked by Jemar Tisby, PhD

Thank you Dr. Tisby.

I would like to encourage you in the vast struggle to remind all of America that racism is still alive and flourishing today. It wears different clothing and hides in the corridors and halls of the white nationalist political agenda, but the intent of hatred, belittlement, and discrimination remains the same in the hearts and minds of far too many American citizens today.

I find it difficult to celebrate Independence Day, 2024 America! I will remain home today and read a few chapters of your classic and amazing book, "The Color of Compromise." The one book that should be on every public-school bookshelf across America.

It is time to engage those whose hearts and minds are dedicated to devaluing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

I am hoping, praying, that you would consider a close examination of Alexander Hamilton Stephens, infamous Cornerstone Speech, March 21, 1861. To expose those who still long for the days of George Wallace and his despicable 1963 inaugural speech: "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."

I opine that America only defeated the Confederacy on the battlefields of Civil War America. Sadly, it did not defeat the attitudes or change the minds of those who choose hate.

America and her allies defeated Germany/Axis in WW2.; however, they failed to defeat Nazism! The "Unite the Right" Rally, from August 11 to 12, 2017, Charlottesville, Virginia, is a clear and evidentiary display that Adolf Hitler's ideology still plagues America today!

It has now been 248 years since America's Declaration of Independence 07-04-1776. I believe it is time to declare America's freedom from racial inequality!

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Thank you for your insightful thoughts, Doug. I believe you are correct. You may be interested in this article about Stephens' speech. https://jemartisby.substack.com/p/it-was-always-about-slavery

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Jul 4Liked by Jemar Tisby, PhD

This offers sooooo much thoughtful perspective on this day, our flawed founders and how we are challenged to live and advocate two and a half centuries later. Thank you, thank you for the truth, the hope and the challenge. I just sent it to my family members.

And so, we wait.

Wishing you a peaceful day with those you love most.

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Appreciate you engaging this work, Jane! Thank you for sharing it with family members. I often hear "they were men of their time" to justify slavery. It encourages me to think that Frederick and Anna Murray Douglass were people of their time as well. May we be witnesses likewise today!

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Thank you, Dr. Jemar Tisby,

I recently sent a letter to Ben Dunson, PCA Elder, who called to disinvite David French from speaking at the June 10-14 PCA General Assembly on the subject of "How to be Supportive of Your Pastor and Church Leaders in Polarized Political Year."

Political Polarization and the Peace and Purity of the Church

You are late to the hate Ben Dunson! Your call to ban David French after having invited him to speak, is cowardice and reprehensible in light of the fact that the PCA has a long sordid history of its own.

Consider the following:

I was a member of Covenant Life Presbyterian Church (PCA) Sarasota Fla. My wife and I were music ministers there for a long time. We saw first-hand the racism, the arrogance, the lies, and the coverups.

The Church Elders were called out for those lies and coverups after they actually printed on paper, accusations that an associate Pastor of the church, my mentor and close friend, loved money more than God.

They had no proof whatsoever, of course. They produced nothing at the Elders’ meeting to confirm and support their accusations. It was innuendo and character assassination without merit.

It did not matter! The masses just simply went along! Sound familiar? It sounds familiar to Dr. Jemar Tisby and David French.

Covenant Life also fired the lead pastor and the other associate pastor. Again, the Elders simply bold-faced lied to the congregation as to the reasons why they were fired.

The PCA church currently has three separate congregations in Sarasota, Fl. These 3 churches all produced dirty laundry that never found its way to the washing machine much less the dryer! I remember all the details Ben! Forgiven, yes, forgotten, never!

My wife attended Law School and my father-in-law was a 33-year successful Criminal Defense Attorney practicing in Miami, Fl.

My friend, pastor, and spiritual guide had a rock-solid case for “Defamation of Character.”

He chose not to pursue legal action for the good of the church. The Elders then recommended the man who “loved money more than God” to another church in central Florida.

Did I mention that my wife is Cuban and came to Miami in 1962 with her family? Thank God for President John F. Kennedy! Her family experienced nothing but utter contempt and racism just trying to find their way in their new country. The Catholic Church though, did their part. She remembers it all.

Did I mention that she fluently speaks four languages: Spanish. French, competent Italian and of course English? Didn’t matter! Regrettably, she just never measured up to the ideals of the Anti-Immigration Nationalists sitting in the pews of the PCA Churches in Sarasota, Fl.

David French is not perfect, but neither is the PCA Church. Let’s consider Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Truths that Transform, Rob Pacienza and Billy Graham’s grandson. If that is the definition of Evangelical outreach, then Satan is celebrating every hour of every day.

David French has seen the light concerning the Religious Right, White Nationalism and Donald Trump. The PCA church needs cleansing and transformation! The PCA church had the God-given opportunity to call David French out for what he believes but chose the easy route. That opportunity is now off the table.

Debate Ben Dunson? You cannot possibly vote for Donald Trump! Ephesians 5:3-7 forbids you from doing so. The PCA Church only has hope in Jesus Christ, not Donald trump!

Remember, Jesus invited the “whosevers” not the self-righteous!

Doug McClaugherty


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I thought that anyone who served in the Confederacy was barred from ever serving in Congress, but I could be wrong about that.

It seems that there is a really fine line between punishment and unity after war - I'm thinking of WWI Germany - forced to pay an exorbitant amount of money (and likely the resentment of the average person having to deal with that fallout), and the ease with which Hitler rose to power in the aftermath not quite a decade later.

I agree with you - but I am curious - what would have been a better way for Johnson to punish the Confederacy but also try to unify the nation?

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